Day Care Insurance Insurance Complicated, whether you own the building or rent the facility. If it is a commercial Day Care Center or a Residential Day Care operation – Let Castle Rock Capacity Insurance Agency assist you with the proper Day Care Insurance Coverage.
If you own or operate a Day Care and don’t have insurance you need to be concerned.

What does your Day Care Insurance Coverage Policy Cover you for?
Most people with a professional Day Care businesses or in-home Day Care center shop for insurance with one thing in mind; Price. “What is the lowest price for Day Care Insurance Coverage?” When buying the cheapest Day Care Insurance Policy a more important question should be how much of a loss can I sustain in the event of a law suit?
What are the most important Day Care Insurance Coverages?
Your Day Care Center Liability Insurance Policy is designed to insure the business against 3rd party losses. Even if they are negligent or liable for damage, injury or loss to another’s property, reputation, or health. Typically, damages, legal defense fees and settlement charges are paid by the insuring company when a claim is filed against the business.
Bodily Injury Liability
Liability coverage may pay the affected person or firm for the cost of care, the loss of services and restitution for death that results from an injury.
Property Damage Liability
In the event your business causes damage to, or causes the loss of use of someone else’s property, property damage coverage may pay for the value of the physical damage to the property; or the loss of use of that property.
Abuse & Sexual Molestation Insurance (Optional)
Covers you for DEFENSE and JUDGMENTS brought up against you and or your Day Care Center for claims and suits regarding Abuse and Sexual Molestation. Although there may not be a judgment, the cost do defend these suits can quickly surmount and put a Day Care center of any size out of business very quickly, even if the case is dismissed.
Personal Injury (Optional)
Our Day Care Insurance Coverage Policy provide coverage if you are accused of:
Publishing inaccurate information that slanders or libels a person or organization.
Publishing material that violates a person’s right of privacy.
Falsely arresting, detaining or imprisoning someone.
Maliciously prosecuting someone.
Wrongfully evicting someone.
What is the Average Cost of Day Care Insurance.
Well, that is like asking what does the average day care cost? In the same way day care costs vary depending on location, services, size and offerings. Day Care Insurance costs vary, too. Day Care Insurance cost depend on, location, coverages, size, number of children. As well as the services and activities you offer. The best way to get an idea as to what YOUR Day Care Insurance will cost is to Request a Day Care Insurance Quote.
Anything can happen when there are children around even in a Day Care.
You can be left with an enormous liability exposure if someone gets hurt in your Day Care. If you are not properly insured and are found guilty of any wrong doing you could be held personally liability for all legal expenses. Furthermore, you can be held responsible for any court judgements. These expenses would have to be paid out of your own pocket. This could be a burden on your business, livelihood and your family.
Claims involving children are always volatile and very emotional which could further escalate a claim into a much larger claim. Make sure you are not a statistic.
Click here for more info on Day Care Insurance Abuse & Molestation Insurance Coverage.
We Currently Offer Day Care and Pre-School Insurance in New York, NY. New Jersey, NJ. Connecticut, CT. Florida, FL. California, CA. Illinois, IL. West Virginia, WV, Virginia, VA, Massachusetts, MA. and Pennsylvania, PA. The average cost of Day Care Insurance can range from as low as $1,000 per year, Please Click Here For a Quote on Day Care Insurance Quote.