Our Short Term Production Insurance can provide a full spectrum of insurance coverages at competitive premiums for productions with budgets less than $1,000,000 and a duration up to 90 Days.
Click here for longer duration film production insurance.
Actor Reels
Industrial Films
Stock Footage
If you are seeking coverage for ONLY RENTED EQUIPMENT
STOP LOOKING… It doesn’t exist.
You will need a full Short Term Production Insurance Policy in order to satisfy those requirements.
Short Term Production Insurance Eligible Productions
To be Eligible for Production Insurance:
- The Production Must Be for Budgets less than $1,000,000 and can be as low as $500;
- The Production Must shoot only in the US or Canada;
We Have Coverages Available for Productions With the Following:
Stunts, Pyrotechnics, Aircrafts, Boats, Animals, Fight Scenes, Blanks, Squibs, Guns, Live Gangster Rap Music
Insurance Coverage Available for Shot Term Production available through the Production Insurance program include:
- Rented and Owned Equipment
- Props, Sets and Wardrobe
- Negative & Faulty Stock
- First arty Property Damage, as well as Third Party Property Damage
- Extra Expense
- General Liability
- Automobile Liability and Physical Damage
- Workers Compensation and Employers Liability
- Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance Coverage
What is the Average Cost for Short Production Insurance?
Short Term Production budgets can range from $0 to $1,000,000 and duration can range from 1 day up to 60 days. So, with coverage options varying it is not possible to really quote an ‘average cost’. Additionally, location, attendance, cast & crew size as well as the type and scale of the venue determine pricing. Quotes take as little as 2 minutes and with Low Cost Production Insurance rates that are so low and comprehensive, it is less expensive to contact us immediately as opposed to wasting time shopping for hours. Or you can click here for a free Short Term Production Insurance Quote
Short Term Production Insurance policies with just basic liability, premiums can start as low as $300.00. Castle Rock Capacity Insurance Agency is a leader in price for Short Term Production Insurance Coverage for New York, NY, New Jersey, NJ, Connecticut, CT, California, CA, Florida, FL, Illinois, IL, Virginia, VA, Texas, TX, and Pennsylvania, PA with our footprint constantly growing. If you are interested in special event insurance coverage please fill out our simple Production Insurance Questionnaire and we will prepare a proposal for your group, company or organization’s Production Insurance Request.