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The Top 4th of July Insurance Claims to Watch Out for

It’s hot, it’s dry and we are all out to enjoy celebrating our freedom and Independence. With all of the fun, folks, party hosting and celebrating, there are some things you need to watch out for when it comes to these nasty potential 4th of July Insurance...

What to do if you are involved in an auto accident.

What do I do at the scene? If you’re involved in an automobile accident, the first thing you should do is contact the police. If anyone is injured, give details to the police, and then give the victims whatever help you can, but try not to move them to avoid injuring...

Renovation Contractors May Face Fines with New EPA Regulations

Effective 04-22-2010 New EPA Regulations may face renovation contractors with $37,000 a day fines. The New EPA Regulations apply to the following: Any contractor renovating any of the following buildings built before 1978 Homes Offices School Government Etc. Work now...

61 Buzzwords You Need to Stop Abusing Immediately

The following are the top 61 Buzzwords you need actually, literally need to stop using, irregardless of anything, ever. The worst thing is, in addition to helping to derail meeting with these overly abused terms, they make you sound like you just swallowed an entire...