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Insuring an Internet Based Business – Does Your Internet Based Business Have the Proper Business Insurance

Insuring an Internet Based Business is challenging because many internet based businesses have a difficult time classifying their operations. Many businesses are making increasing use of the Internet to promote their products & services. Due to this medium’s connection to savvy, technologically astute consumers, it is an ideal method
for promoting and selling products. However, even as greater advantage is being taken of electronic transactions, it is important to keep a bit of old, yet still excellent advice – “Let the buyer
Insuring an Internet Based Business

Possible Dangers Of an Internet Based Business

In some respects, the Internet may be no more dangerous than getting information from other sources. 
But the need for consumers to take care when using such information remains. One major issue is that published information is typically granted a high level of credibility (this includes the information you’re currently reading). It is important to be certain of any information before acting on it or conveying it to your customers or potential customers. Ten different sources of information can give you ten different answers. Therefore, the safest way to use information is to seek and sort through multiple, credible sources rather than merely place full trust in a single source.

Items to Keep In Mind When Operating an Internet Based Business

The Internet is an incredible tool. However, it also provides many opportunities for acquiring information that may be useless. Or it may even be even harmful. Any user should remember the following:

  • Your material that appears on the Internet may be presented as facts. When they may actually be opinions or advertisements. These can be held against your in the event of a false advertising claim.
  • You can be held liable for the injuries or damages that occur as a result of the products you sell to people over the internet. Even if you are not the manufacturer.Insuring an Internet Based Business
  • You can be held liable for the personal injuries. Like: Libel, Slander, Defamation of Character, or Cyber Bullying that occur from use of your website. Even if they are user based comments or photos that you did not publish.
  • No credible party may have taken responsibility for keeping the information accurate and current. They may have even attempted to ‘dupe’ you to get your business.
  • The party posting the information may possibly have a criminal intent.
  • Internet publishers often forget that their audience is global and the information may only apply to a specific group or geographic location

When seeking information to meet your insurance needs, it’s important to discuss your concerns with an expert. A professional insurance agent is a good source for getting the answers you need to fit your unique coverage situation.

You also need to keep in mind that some insurance policies will not protect you in the event of a wrongful act. Or a malicious act, intentional or not.

Click here for an insurance quote for your internet based business.

Related Article: Technology Professional Liability – Tech E & O