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Product Liability Insurance – Retailer and Relabeling Pitfalls

Product Liability Insurance – Retailer and Relabeling Pitfalls We live in a litigious society; The U.S. legal system encourages lawsuits by allowing plaintiffs to file lawsuits, both legitimate and frivolous, inexpensively. Product Liability Insurance –...

CARES Act Addresses COVID-19 Economic Crisis

Congress has passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), and the President has signed it into law. The largest emergency economic stimulus package ever passed, the CARES Act aims to help individuals and businesses deal with the severe...

Renovation Contractors May Face Fines with New EPA Regulations

Effective 04-22-2010 New EPA Regulations may face renovation contractors with $37,000 a day fines. The New EPA Regulations apply to the following: Any contractor renovating any of the following buildings built before 1978 Homes Offices School Government Etc. Work now...

Daycare Insurance Abuse and Molestation Insurance Coverage

Daycare Insurance Abuse and Molestation Insurance Coverage There are currently 17,938 Registered and or Licensed Daycare Centers in New York State Do know how many are not Covered for Abuse and Molestation? Do You know what Insurance Coverage Your Daycare Currently...